Measurements as performed in python

Amount of Tissue

def QuantCore(self, image, filename, save=False):
    image = gaussian(rgb2gray(image), sigma=2)
    thresh = threshold_triangle(image[image > 0])
    binary = np.logical_and(image < thresh, image > 0)
    wholeCore = np.sum(binary)
    if save:"Saving - " + filename + '_core.tiff')
        imagesave = Image.fromarray(binary) + '_core.tiff')
    return wholeCore

Amount of Signal

def QuantStain(self, image, filename, save=False):
    img_hsv = rgb2hsv(image)
    img_hue = img_hsv[:, :, 0]
    image_sat = img_hsv[:, :, 1]
    hue = np.logical_and(img_hue > 0.02, img_hue < 0.10)  # BROWN PIXELS BETWEEN 0.02 and 0.10
    if self.threshold:
        stain = np.logical_and(hue, image_sat > self.threshold)  # USER DEFINED MINIMUM SATURATION THRESHOLD
        print("Defult threshold")
        stain = np.logical_and(hue, image_sat > 0.79)  #  DEFAULT SATURATION THRESHOLD APPLIED IF NO USER INPUT
    self.current_image = stain[::10, ::10].astype(float)  # SHOW A LOW RESOLUTION MASK AS A FIGURE
    if save:"Saving - " + filename+'_stain.tiff')  # SAVE A FIGURE IF REQUIRED
        imagesave = Image.fromarray(stain)'_stain.tiff')
    stint = np.copy(image)
    stint = exposure.rescale_intensity(stint, out_range=(0, 255))
    stint[stain == 0] = 0  # array with only the stained pixels
    stint = color.rgb2gray(stint) # convert to greyscale
    stint = np.ravel(stint) # flatten image array
    stint = stint[stint != 0] # remove all zeros
    stint_mean = stint.mean()
    stint_std = stint.std()
    stained = np.sum(stain)
    return stained, stint_mean, stint_std